I started this homepage as a place to document the construction of my KR2-S airplane. It has evolved to do a few other things for myself and my family, so I moved all my airplane stuff (see the link below).
Please don't expect any fancy web pages, I just want to publish the pictures to document my progress. I will try to make the pages small enough for those of you unfortunate enough not to be on a high speed connection, however, I will include links to larger versions of the pictures for those who want to view them.
All the pages on this site were written using Windows NOTEPAD.
Check out my construction log for my KR2-S
You can page me with my new pager page
Main KR2 site at krnet.org.
A great site with many KR related links. A must see if you are even thinking of building a KR.My brothers homepage is at k-farley.com.
Kevin has been a great help in the programming of this site (at some point there may be some cool stuff here that I've learned from him).This page is for MOM
It includes picture of me and the kids for her to look at (since we are so far away...)This page is documents Ricky Lynn's Broken Arm.